Sional Sérgio Moiane, known as Sunyl, has been working with Gorongosa National Park since July 2014. He is the lead supervisor of the coffee sector in Mount Gorongosa. He is passionate about his work even in situations of conflict on the mountain, and his objective is to see communities develop economically through the production of coffee, ensuring their better health and well-being, while also protecting the environment and promoting reforestation of the mountain. In 2015, Sunyl visited the coffee production fields in Zimbabwe and learned how to make compost using coffee pulp and wet processing methods. In 2017 and 2018, he visited coffee fields in the Espírito Santo state of Brazil. And in 2021, he finished his degree in geographic education at Catholic University of Mozambique and underwent training by Nespresso for cupping, roasting, and color analysis in order to test for flavors and aromas.