Archives: Profiles

  • Alecia Beaufort

    Alecia has held many career positions, from software trainer to office administrator; however, outside of work she is heavily involved in volunteer associations focusing on education. Most recently, Alecia’s Clean Harbours Jamaica team has, in partnership with The Ocean Cleanup, removed over 1 million kg of garbage from the barriers and by extension from the…

    Alecia Beaufort
  • Hannah Leonard

    Hannah was born and raised under the Big Sky in Montana and has enjoyed outdoor pursuits her whole life. With a bachelor’s in marketing and a master’s in resource conservation, she has a unique perspective on outreach efforts for the benefit of conservation.  

    Hannah Leonard
  • Bryan Bedrosian

    For over 15 years, Bryan has been a leading scientist documenting the link between lead-based ammunition and ingestion in wildlife. He co-founded and is Director of Sporting Lead-Free to promote an unbiased, non-political message within our community about the benefits of using lead-free sporting options to preserve both our hunting heritage and amazing Wyoming wildlife.

    Bryan Bedrosian
  • Kristy Bly

    With over 25 years of experience in the wildlife field, Kristy Bly’s expertise is on the conservation and restoration of black-footed ferrets, black-tailed prairie dogs, and swift fox in the North American Great Plains.

    Kristy Bly
  • Fishing Gear Entanglement

    Fishing gear entanglement happens when fishing gear like nets and longlines gets caught around the limbs or body of an animal, causing serious injury or death.

    Fishing Gear Entanglement
  • Umbrella Species

    When an umbrella species is protected, many other plants and animals also benefit.

    Umbrella Species
  • Callie Veelenturf

    Callie Veelenturf is a marine conservation biologist specializing in sea turtles, the founder of The Leatherback Project, and a National Geographic Explorer.

    Callie Veelenturf
  • Ecotourism

    Ecotourism is travel that centers sustainability, conservation, and education about local cultures and ecosystems.

  • Aida Magaña Monzzo

    Aida Magaña Manzzo is a nautical engineer and community leader for the Saboga Wildlife Refuge. She has been recognized as a Hope Spot Champion for her marine conservation efforts in the Pearl Islands.

    Aida Magaña Monzzo
  • Wildlife Corridors

    Increasingly, wildlife migratory routes are blocked by human-made obstacles like highways, cities, and dams. Wildlife corridors seek to connect as much land and water as possible to give animals the freedom to roam and maintain healthy, genetically diverse populations. 

    Wildlife Corridors