From Homegrown National Park:
It was a thrill to get the call from Wild Hope HHMI Tangled Bank Studio to collaborate with HNP. It’s been a synergistic and exciting relationship that we hope will continue forever! We are thrilled to announce our collaboration with Wild Hope, a PBS series incredibly aligned with the mission of Homegrown National Park®.
Meet Sean B. Carroll, the producer of the series as he talks “biodiversity” with HNP’s co-founder, Doug Tallamy.
Doug Tallamy is an entomologist, conservationist, and educator who has been with the University of Delaware for 42 years, researcher, author including NYT’s best-selling Nature’s Best Hope and co-founder of Homegrown National Park®.
Sean B Carroll is an evolutionary developmental biologist, author, educator, and executive producer. He is Head of HHMI Tangled Bank Studio whose most recent production is Wild Hope, a documentary film series on biodiversity. You can now view current episodes on the PBS Nature YouTube Channel Wild Hope Playlist, and watch for new inspiring episodes released every two weeks.

Read the full interview now, hosted with Homegrown National Park.